Please can you add me to your Yin Yoga teacher directory

If you would like us to add your name to the list of Yin Yoga teachers, send us a post including the following information:

Location: Country/State/City;
Contact Information including:
Your web address;
Email address;
Studio name and web address where
you are offering Yin Yoga classes;
A short bio or description of your Yin Yoga teaching (~100 words);
A small head & shoulders picture [You can add an image by typing [img]location[/img] where location refers to the location of your image on the web somewhere. Just right click on your own image and select "copy image location" and paste it in.]
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Joined: Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:29 pm

Please can you add me to your Yin Yoga teacher directory

Post by Lotusyoga »

Name: Karen Stanberry
Location: Poole, Dorset, UK

Karen has been practicing yoga since 1999 when she was diagnosed with ME, also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. With dedication the practice completely turned her life around and aided a quick and full recovery. As a result, Karen wanted to influence others lives the way her yoga teacher had influenced hers.

In 2005, Karen qualified as a Hatha Yoga teacher after completing a 3 year diploma with the British Wheel of Yoga. Karen subsequently qualified as a Pregnancy Yoga teacher, a Thai Yoga massage therapist and a certified teacher in Yoga for ME and Chronic Fatigue.

Karen has also trained with Sarah Powers and is now an Insight Yoga instructor and dedicated practitioner and teacher of mindfulness meditation. Her Yin Yoga classes incorporate Taoist philosophy, meridian theory, mindfulness and positive thinking.

Karen teaches classes, workshops and 1:1's in the Bournemouth and Poole area and is available for retreats and workshops further afield.

Karen passionately believes that yoga is accessible to all and through regular practice you can have profound effects on your mind and body, creating both inner and outer strength.
Stretch, Breathe and Simply Be
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