New Teacher Listing

If you would like us to add your name to the list of Yin Yoga teachers, send us a post including the following information:

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Contact Information including:
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Email address;
Studio name and web address where
you are offering Yin Yoga classes;
A short bio or description of your Yin Yoga teaching (~100 words);
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Joined: Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:16 am
Location: Leavenworth, Washington

New Teacher Listing

Post by joannadunn »

My friend, mentor and yoga teacher, Lynn Kingston, would like to be listed on your website. She's not very web savvy so I am writing on her behalf.

Lynn Kingston
23 Randolph Place #303
Northampton, Massachusetts 01060

Lynn has been teaching yoga for over 40 years. She has taught in various locations throughout the US as well as in Europe. Lynn came to yoga through a background in Modern dance, having studied with the pioneers of the modern dance movement: Martha Graham, Lucas Hoving and Isadora Duncan to name a few. Throughout her 40-some years of teaching, she has studied just about every variety and school that exists - Iyengar to Kundalini. After teaching a unique, choreographed type of vinyasa for much of her career, it all changed when she took a workshop with Sarah Powers in 2001. For many years, Lynn had been intuitively been practicing stretches with long, relaxed holds. As always, her body held the wisdom before there were words for it. Since then, Lynn has exclusively taught Yin Yoga, again, with her own unique touch, combining the held poses with her articulate wisdom and sound healing practice. She currently teaches at the Valley Women's Martial Arts and Institute for Healing and Violence in Easthampton, Massachusetts ( and conducts workshops in various locations.
Joanna Dunn, RYT
Yoga Teacher
Yin, Vinyasa, Restorative - Kripalu Certified
Leavenworth, Washington
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