Flossing nerves

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Flossing nerves

Post by Renee »

Hi Bernie,

Would you say that the Pawanmuktasana movements are a kind of nerve flossing when done softly?
In your book, your spine , your yoga, you mentioned that nerves, when their limits of elasticity are exceeded, they remain damaged.
Is this absolute?
Thank you for these books, Bernie.
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Re: Flossing nerves

Post by Bernie »

Hello Renée

Hmmm. No, I would not say that "Pawanmuktasana movements are a kind of nerve flossing." This doesn't mean that they are not good for the nerves. They probably are. Motion is the lotion of life! It helps to promote blood flow to the nerves. But "flossing" requires moving the nerve in opposite directions by tugging at one end, and simultaneously releasing stress at the other end/freeing it up, and then reversing this. Thus the nerves glide back and forth through their fascial channels. The pawanmuktasana movements don't really release the proximal ends of the nerves (those closest to the core of the body).

Nerves naturally do move and glide and yes they can stretch a little bit. It is only when they are at their end of stretching that damage is risked. I don't see this occurring with gentle pawanmuktasana movements.

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