Head movements, crying and feeling crazy in shavasana

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Head movements, crying and feeling crazy in shavasana

Post by Bernie »

I was recently asked the following question:
  • Hello Bernie, hope this message find you well. Last evening I gave a class and a woman responded very strongly and while in Savasana started to have all kind of weird involuntary movement of the head. She has difficulty to come back and she thought she was going crazy, she was crying. Today she is still under the spell of these symptoms and cannot function normally. I though it could be energy release but can it be something else. How can I assist her in the best of way. I never had this situation before. Thanks for answering. All the best â�¤ M
Hi M...That is a very strange reaction by your student, but as neither you nor I am a doctor, we can't know what may have caused her symptoms. I would strongly suggest she go see a professional! Us humans love to correlate things and the proximal event often gets blamed, but it is not clear that her yoga practice or shavasana was the cause of this episode. What else is going on in her life? Has she been depressed recently or grieving? Has she been sleeping well or fasting? What are her stress levels like at work or at home? What was her breathing like during her practice? Did the symptoms persist for more than a day? So many things to check into and again, she should get someone professionally qualified to help her find the answers. We would just be guessing, which could make matters worse. Good luck! Bernie
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