Cranky shoulders in Sphinx Pose

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Cranky shoulders in Sphinx Pose

Post by Bernie »

I recently received the following question:
  • Oh those cranky shoulders in we oldies but goodies 😀. I have a 70yrs old student who loves Sphinx but just now is working with a shoulder injury so needs to avoid supporting weight on her forearms. What alternative pose would you suggest for her? Thanks for your help…Audrey
Hi Audrey

There is a lovely option for Sphinx that takes a lot of pressure out of the shoulders: place a long bolster under the arms pits, and let the upper body relax onto the support. This way, there is no weight into the arms or shoulders…If that doesn’t work, and she still wants to work the lumbar spine, try turning her upside down into the supported bridge. Have her start with knees bent, lift the hips a little and slide a cushion under the pelvis (make sure it isn’t under the lower back.) If she has more range of motion, she can walk the feet further away, maybe eventually having her legs straight.

Good luck!
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