Poses for injured ankle and knees with 2 torn ligaments

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Poses for injured ankle and knees with 2 torn ligaments

Post by Bernie »

I recently received this question:

Greetings Bernie - I met with an accident, right ankle and knee fracture and tear of 2 major ligaments (ACL & MCL). Ankle operated with a metal plate and 6 screws 4 weeks ago. Now waiting for knee to heal then operate to fix the ligaments. Meanwhile, what poses can I practice? Kindly advise. Thanks n warmly

We had a similar post from a woman very much in your situation. You may want to read my response to her as well.

In Yin Yoga, the emphasis is not so much on the flows as the pose: you can arrange the poses I mentioned in the above post in logical sequences and create your own flows (I certainly don’t know of any flows specifically designed for a broken ankle). You can read this section in YinSights on how to structure your own flows: Flowing. You could also create your own playlist of postures from my YinYoga YouTube channel. If you are allowed to do some ankle exercises, maybe the pawamuktasanas will help.

Finally, I really don’t have anything more to recommend other than patience! You are only ~4 weeks from your surgery. Typically it takes 6 ~ 8 weeks for bones to heal and if you rush it, you may actually do more harm than good. The best person to get advice from for healing is your surgeon or doctor. I can’t see your x-rays and don’t know what was done during surgery.

Take a moment to consider your intentions: do you want to heal - to regain full health, or are you looking for being able to do what you were doing as quickly as possible? Are you looking for minimal pain and discomfort? Are you trying to find optimal performance while you are recovering? Slow down, let the healing happen on its own timetable and do just enough to regain your full health and not worry about how fast it takes? Just a thought!

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