Input on sequence

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Input on sequence

Post by AnneSimpson »

Hi there
I am a newer yoga teacher. I have been teaching a weekly 90 minute yin class for about 3 months.
I keep it very simple. It is usually 8-10 ladies. There are a number of them with knee issues. Most are runners.
I am looking to try a few different things. I do a lot of the classes on the wall. It goes over pretty well. But occasionally I get a few extra people and need to be prepared to not use the wall. Here are my recent thoughts:

Beginning - laying, breathing
Warm up - we do gentle movements, linking breath with movement - neck rolls, shoulder rolls, ankles.
Poses are held for 3 minutes...


All Right side
Gate pose
baby dragon
half split
reclined figure 4
Same sequence on the left
Reclined twist

Is gate pose ok for yin? We all have padding for under the knee, as some will probably want it here. None of them like sleeping swan...

Thanks for your input!

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Gate Pose?

Post by Bernie »

Hi Anne

Thanks for sharing your experience. You ask if Gate Pose can be good for Yin Yoga students: sure! No, never! Maybe, sometimes.

As always, it always depends. Gate pose does require some muscular engagement to stay in the posture; the side body is working and there is a need for balance. But, so what? Camel Pose and Swan require some muscular engagement and they are used in Yin Yoga. I would just suggest you not hold any of these postures too long. Maybe 2 minutes maximum? It depends upon your students. For some, even 1 minute may be more than enough.

The question I would ask of any teachers is - why? Why would you put someone in the gate? What areas are you targeting? And, then, is this the best way to target that area? When I do the gate pose, admittedly only in a Yang class, I am targeting the side body --- trying to get a nice stretch there. In a Yin mode, I can do the same thing but for longer if I use Bananasana. Have you tried that with your students? You might find it works the same area, but in a more yin way and you can stay longer.

But, still - I am not saying Gate Pose won't work for your students. You have been teaching it already, so - what results have you found? Does it work for them or not? Maybe only for some?

Why don't the students like Sleeping Swan? Is it the knees? Maybe they would do better with the sitting or reclining versions.

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Post by AnneSimpson »

I tried the gate pose and you were right. I took a little more balance than anticipated, and our knees got sore in my sequence.

It went ok, but this week I am going to add bananasana and remove gate.

Thank you for your response! I am learning a lot from your website.

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Post by Bernie »

Good to know!
Thanks for sharing.
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another sequence

Post by AnneSimpson »

I have been teaching a while longer. This is my latest class. The class seems to like it. I have also done you legs up the wall class a few times when we are very small.
What would be your next "level" to this? We hold the postures for 3 minutes.

The class is 90 minutes. We start with some general breathing/relaxation and gentle seated movements (neck/shoulders/wrists/ankles)

RIGHT bananasana
Left banasasana
Right figure 4 - laying on back
Left figure 4
Sit into butterfly. USE cushion 5 minutes
Right ½ butterfly
Right deer twist
Left ½ butterfly
Left deer twist
Cat cow to stretch
Childs pose
cat pulling on tail R
cat pulling on tail L
Happy baby
Reclined twist Right
Reclined twist Left

Thank you!

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Post by Bernie »

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gate pose?

Post by Renee »


what is the gate pose?

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Post by dave »

I am not sure if the original poster will see this since it has been some time so here is a couple of links. The second becomes very advanced but shows the progression of the pose. They are often famous yogis, I always like seeing the different ways of performing the posture from each.

How to Do Gate Pose in Yoga ... se-in-yoga

Yoga Dancer - Parighasana (Gate Pose) ... html#Gate1
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