I would like to be listed as a Yin Yoga teacher

If you would like us to add your name to the list of Yin Yoga teachers, send us a post including the following information:

Location: Country/State/City;
Contact Information including:
Your web address;
Email address;
Studio name and web address where
you are offering Yin Yoga classes;
A short bio or description of your Yin Yoga teaching (~100 words);
A small head & shoulders picture [You can add an image by typing [img]location[/img] where location refers to the location of your image on the web somewhere. Just right click on your own image and select "copy image location" and paste it in.]
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Mariko Lavender-Jones
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Nov 30, 2009 4:42 pm
Location: Singapore

I would like to be listed as a Yin Yoga teacher

Post by Mariko Lavender-Jones »

Name; Mariko Lavender-Jones

Location: Country Singapore

Contact Information including:
Your web address; www.marikoyoga.com
Japanese Blog http://ameblo.jp/pranayoga
Email address; info@marikoyoga.com
Phone; +65 9842 1655
Studio name and web address; Como Shambhala yoga studio http://www.singapore.comoshambhala.bz/

A short bio:

Mariko started Yoga with an Iyengar teacher, Rajay in Tokyo. After relocating to Singapore in 2002, Mariko gained her Diploma in Teaching the Science and Art of Yoga, certified by Svastha Yoga and Ayurveda, under the guidance of A G Mohan.

She has subsequently acquired a Yin Yoga teaching certificate, and also completed her teacher trainings with Paul Grilley and Sarah Powers.

Mariko teaches Hatha and Yin yoga group classes as well as one-on-one Therapeutic yoga in English and Japanese.Image[/img][/url]
Mariko Lavender-Jones
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