Chakra question

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Chakra question

Post by Anarebecca » to forum.../and about 6 months into yoga.....QUESTION: If say someone has a blocked chakra (or two).....and does some basic and when does one have their chakras open? Is it a little each practice? Is it over long period of time? In other if i have a few closed chakra how would I even know that?!! Thanks.
Jessica Powers
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Post by Jessica Powers »


How funny to see your topic first off! I was coming over here to link to my new article series on the chakras! (It's over at The Yoga Lunchbox at: ... ergy-body/). I will be posting poses to work with each center and a Yin practice for all of them near the end of the series, though I'm considering one yin pose per center now...especially as I use Yin lots for chakra work.

I prefer to talk about chakras working optimally or not. They can be overactive or deficient, but rarely is one entirely blocked/open/closed. Also, such harsh language begins a paradigm of power over the body (physical/energetic/emotional/spiritual) rather than an organic, inherently intelligent cooperative line of inquiry and work. Just as we should respect our physical limits in Yin, I think we should show kindness and respect to our energetic reality, breathing into it and expanding it with the same sweetness as we breathe into and expand our hamstrings, for example.

Anodea Judith has several great books on chakras and I recommend you find her Wheels of Life and use it as your study guide, along with your own personal experiences in yoga and life.

And, since chakras are related to our lives, the state of them will change an flux as we do, making working with them a lifelong adventure rather than a one time fix it sort of thing.

Don't know that this reply helped, save maybe the article link, but I look forward to chatting more with you about it!
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Post by Bernie »

Hi Anarebecca - welcome to the Forum. Jessica has offered some good advice on what to look for when you do your chakra works, and where to go to get more information: let me just add some historical context.

There are many different facets to yoga and many different types of yoga: Yin Yoga evolved within the Hatha Yoga tradition, which doesn't really concern itself too much with chakras. Tantra Yoga, which is probably a few hundred years older than Hatha (and some feel Hatha evolved out of Tantra), is greatly concerned with the subtle body where these inner energies and their organs (aka chakras) are mapped out in detail. You can learn a bit about them here.

The point of opening chakras, in the Trantic and Hatha practices, is to allow the kundalini energy to freely rise up the central energy channel, reaching the top chakra; when this happens one becomes liberated or enlightened. However, this is a dangerous practice and many people have been severely harmed mentally and physically by improperly turning on the kundalini energy before their chakras opened: it is not a practice for beginners and does require a teacher well versed in pranayama.

In recent decades the chakras have been envisioned as centers of certain personality disorders or strengths: this is a new way to look at chakras, and not one explained by the ancient yogis. Dr Motoyama has created his own model of what the chakras are and do (which is explained at the link I cited above). In his view, one needs to open the chakras in a certain order to avoid harm: starting with the ajna, which is between the eyebrows. As Jessica points out, there are several modern models of the chakras that are quite different than those envisioned in the early Hatha or Tantric texts.

As to your particular question: since you are just beginning the yoga journey, you may want to read the section in YinSights about moving energy. Once you can actually feel the energy moving within, then you may want to focus on chakra work using pranayama ... but, again, I would suggest you find a credible teacher to guide you, and watch out for any of the possible side effects.

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Post by Anarebecca »

sounds real good....thank you for the answers...........will look at links ......
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