when to practice Yin

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Posts: 24
Joined: Wed Feb 22, 2017 9:29 am

when to practice Yin

Post by DanH »

very new to Yin
very old to Ashtanga
love Yin, but don't know when to practice it
I practice Ashtanga an hour and a half every morning, except for Saturdays and Moon Days
should I skip a few Ashtanga sessions and replace them with Yin sessions, or should I double up making a rather long practice day, or what.
please advise how i might schedual...
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Ashtanga and Yin Yoga

Post by Bernie »

Hi Daniel

I too came to yin yoga after a long time doing Ashtanga. I loved the Ashtanga practice, but after several years, and hitting 50, I found myself unable to continue the pace. Yin yoga came along just in time, but ironically, yin yoga also helped my Ashtanga practice: it made me more flexible and able to do postures I wasn’t able to do before. But, the real value was bringing balance.

What should you do? It depends upon your intentions. For me, at 63 now, I no longer seek to do more asanas, or do them better: I am content to maintain health and regain it after a cold or sickness. My practice physically has 3 intentions: strength (or stability) via resistance training (swinging kettle bells and vinyasa yoga); endurance via running sprints; and mobility via my Yin Yoga practice, which I do right after my sprints. So, one day is strength/vinyasa practice, the next day is endurance and mobility. One day a week my only practice is meditation (which I do every day in the morning.) Will this work for you? I don’t know.

Again, it will depend upon your intentions, how much time you have to invest in asana, and what else is going on in your life at the moment. I would suggest you take some to really ask yourself “Why am I doing yoga?” Let your answer guide your plan.

Here are a few other threads on the Forum that may be interesting to you:

Ashtanga and yin yoga
Frequency of Practice and Recovery Time
Doing yin yoga in a heated room
Hot Yin?

Posts: 24
Joined: Wed Feb 22, 2017 9:29 am

Post by DanH »

Thank You Bernie,

I turned 71 about a week ago and yes I've been asking myself the big questions and surprisingly, actually coming up with some answers. I believe it was Desikachar writing about his father's practice transforming as he aged that has had the biggest influence on me, and how happy I am that I stumbled across Yin recently. Meditation, Qigong, Tai Chi, Taoest and Buddhist science along with Hath Yoga have been a large part of my life and to know there is the ability to adjust, as well as people available to advise me as I make the adjustments, is very encouraging.
I'll definitely follow the links and I thank you for taking the time...

And the beat goes on...

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