Femoral acetabular impingement and cancer

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Femoral acetabular impingement and cancer

Post by Bernie »

I was recently asked the following question:
  • Hi Bernie! Reaching out again about an interesting situation and wondering if you could offer any insight? We have a student who has Femoral Acetabular Impingement in both hips, has recently gone through kemo and has been told that repetitive movement from a yang style of practice is not advised. Wondering your thoughts/insights/experience with this condition for a student doing a yin practice? Do you think that would be advisable? Really appreciate any guidance you can provide! Thanks! Emilie

Hi Emilie

What type of cancer does your student have? It does make a difference. I have written about cancer in Yin Yoga before. Can I point you to a few posts on the Forum?

Cancer and Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga Sequence for Chemotherapy Treatment
Yin Yoga Following Breast Cancer Treatment

Now, as to her femoral acetabular impingement (FAI), the first question is — what does her doctors say? 2nd question would be — where is the impingement occurring? (What part of the labrum?) I can’t diagnose her, but if she is suffering FAI, I would suggest you avoid any postures with lot of hip flexion (>90 degrees), adduction and internal rotation. These postures tend to create impingement, especially when combined. So, no lunges, dragons, twisted roots twists, happy baby. Focus more on the opposite movements: external rotation, extension and abduction. [I discuss FAI in more detail in my book Your Body, Your Yoga.]

Should she do Yin Yoga at all? Remember that there are more benefits to yoga than just flexibility: there is the practice of presences, the energy work, mindfulness, relaxation, etc. So, another option is to have her do Yin Yoga focussed only on the spine and avoid the hips for now.

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