Waht are the benefits of practicing yoga?

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Waht are the benefits of practicing yoga?

Post by mikeclarks896 »

Hi all

I have heard that there are lots of benefits of doing yoga and meditation. We are fit physically as well as mentally. The only question raises to my mind is what is the difference between yoga and exercise. What are the special benefits that we can have with yoga rather then exercise. I think both have the same benefits but we have to join yoga classes and pay money for learning than why should we go only for exercise?
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The Benefits of Yoga

Post by Bernie »

There have been many books written answering this question, and you can find more detail in my books as well (such as this section of YinSights.) You can find benefits physically, energetically, emotionally, mentally and even spiritually. Exercise can certainly provide some of the same benefits, but it depends upon what types of exercise and how you practice. Riding a stationary bike in front of a TV broadcasting CNN news over and over, or watching a music video, is not going to deliver any mental or mindfulness benefits. Those kinds of exercises which divorce the mind from the body can actually damage the body because the mind won't notice when you have gone to far.

Not all exercises are like this, of course, but we could say that any exercise done with deliberate intention and paying full attention IS yoga.

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Why practice yoga

Post by AnneSimpson »

The second yoga sutra, yoga is the stilling of the fluctuations of the mind, explains it all for me.

For many years I was deeply unhappy and exercised to try to escape the mean voice in my head. It never worked. I could not run away from myself.

In yoga, I use my body to hold my attention and I have slowly developed the ability to sit with myself. Practicing flowing yoga entry and health and allows me to really feel the life inside me.

Yin yoga and meditation bring me to that place of inner stillness where I find peace.

Finding comfort in my own skin has been life changing. I found that through yoga.
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Post by dave »

Give it a try and find out. Maybe you are already doing yoga and don't realize it!
This link is to a commercial website which I don't like to use for references but they have done such a good job with all of their help information.

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Post by chrysalisyoga »

Yes, I agreed with Bernie's reply. If you do yoga regularly, it will help you to keep calm your mind, release your stress and you'll feel energetic. While exercise help your body physically strong and maintained.
I insists instead of doing yoga at home one should practice it at yoga classes. You will learn something new there that you will not learn at home.
I also want to share what people think about doing yoga at studio instead of home. Here is the link https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-rea ... -for-free/
Chrysalis Yoga
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Post by mickykane »

There are many benefits of Practcing Yoga. Some of them are :
> Increased flexibility.
> Increased muscle strength and tone.
> Improved respiration, energy and vitality.
> Maintaining a balanced metabolism.
> Weight reduction.
> Cardio and circulatory health.
> Improved athletic performance.
> Protection from injury.
Have a nice day ahead.
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