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Yin Yoga Teacher Training with Bernie Clark and Diana Batts

Live Online 50-Hour Yin Yoga Teacher Training

with Bernie Clark and Diana Batts

Work at your own pace, or keep up with the group!

This training will consist of seven consecutive 7.5-hour days from May 13th to 19th, 2023. The live sessions will begin at 8:00 am PST (Vancouver time) which is 11:00 am EST and 4:00 pm GMT. Five hours each day will be live presentations with chances for questions and answers. Plus there will be a 90 minute pre-recorded Yin Yoga class and a little self-study each day. However, there is a lot of flexibility for students who cannot devote a full week to the course. For students unable to view the entire day’s video, or for those in different time zones, the videos will be recorded and can be viewed at any other convenient time within a two-week period.  Our hosts for the course is Asana at Home.

BONUS! All students registering for these trainings will also get a free one-year subscription to the weekly Welcome to the Yinside classes with Bernie plus access to the archives of all past classes. This is a $200US value, but you get it for $0!

If you have any questions, please feel free to email, or check our FAQ page.



Note: the required text for this course is The Complete Guide to Yin Yoga by Bernie Clark.


13 May 2024



Bernie Clark

