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This page is out of date now, but if you want a copy of the handout from the workshop, here it is
Learn to Teach the Dragon Dance
A Dynamic Indian/Daoist Fusion Flow


Learn how to train a tangle of dragons


A 3.5-Hour Workshop
at Semperviva Yoga Studios in Vancouver, B.C.
November 5th, 2016 from 1:00 – 4:30 pm

This is now sold out, but you can request to be on standby just in case

The Dragon Dance is a blend of Indian yoga and Daoist alchemy, designed to stimulate the flow of energy (prana or chi) through directed awareness and vigorous movements. Most yoga students are focussed solely on the physicality of their asana practice, but ultimately, as their practice deepens, they will come to sense the energy within, which will determine the position, postures and shape of their practice. There are two things we do energetically in our yoga practice: first we turn on the tap and stimulate the flow. Second, we remove obstacles and blockages that impede the flow. The Dragon Dance builds both an inner awareness of energy and allows us to turn it on and direct it.

The Dragon Dance builds up in yang cycles and stages. The ultimate stage is dragon’s fire, where the heat of the flow becomes intense enough to cause you to sweat, sometimes profusely. Then the dance slows into a yin mode where postures are held in stillness for a few breaths. Just before the finale of shavasana, we cool down with the Golden Seed.

Bernie Clark has been offering the dance since 2008 and has decided it is time to share it in a new way … by teaching teachers how to lead students through the dance.

This is the first, last and only time this workshop will be offered!

This workshop will include:

Bring your chi ball!

  • An overview of the Daoist and Indian models of Energy
  • An introduction to Western Energy Medicine
  • Simple moving meditations designed to help you sense your inner energy
  • A handout describing the full Dragon Dance flow and the playlist Bernie uses
  • Practice in leading others through the flow, in stages
  • Tips and tricks for guiding a class at full speed
  • A peek at the mythology behind the Dragon Dance and what it symbolizes
  • And, of course, lots of dancing! Come prepare to move and sweat



  1. This workshop is intended for Yoga Teachers. You will be asked to teach others during this session.
  2. You must have attended at least one Dragon Dance prior to attending, whether in person with Bernie or via his Gaiam TV Video.


Dates November 5th, 2016
Location Semperviva City Studio, Vancouver
Cost $75.00 CAD plus GST
For details or to register, check the Semperviva web page or call them at 604-739-2009.