Myofascial Release (Yin) induced wound healing

This section shares scientific articles and studies that shine some light on how Yin Yoga affects us.
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theresa tobin macy

Myofascial Release (Yin) induced wound healing

Post by theresa tobin macy »

Fibroblast proliferation and collagen secretion are required for myofascial release-induced wound healing in three dimensional bioengineered tendons Zein-Hammoud, Manal et al. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, Volume 19 , Issue 4 , 677

With the increase of fascial research providing an opportunity for an evidence informed view of how yin can positively influence fascial behavior, the need for clear and accurate interpretation of research is critical. I am grateful to pioneers such as Robert Schleip, , Leon Chaitow and some many others for their dedication and commitment to directing us to, interpreting and sharing effective relevant choices.

Much like myofascial releases (MFR), yin yoga has soft sustained stretching for 5 minutes.
The objective of this study is to elucidate the role of fibroblast proliferation and collagen secretion in MFR- induced wound healing.
Conclusion: Modeled MFR greatly enhances wound healing rates in BETs. In the absence of fibroblast proliferation, wound healing rates were slowed and collagen secretion was reduced in MFR-strained BETs. If these results are clinically translatable, they support a likely mechanism by which MFR improves wound healing.
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