your legs and feet in Straddle

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Christine Hou
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri May 20, 2016 12:25 am

your legs and feet in Straddle

Post by Christine Hou »


I have a question in regards to Straddle pose. My hips are naturally a little bit internally rotated. When I practice folding forward in Straddle, my inner thighs roll towards the ground and my feet/toes turn inwards. Is this OK? If I "activate" or flex my feet the toes will stay pointed towards the ceiling, but then I am afraid that I am engaging my larger muscles, thus decreasing the stress on my connective tissue. Which is more beneficial to stress the adductors?

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Where should your feet point in Straddle pose?

Post by Bernie »

Worrying about where feet and knees should point in a pose based on how you look is taking an aesthetic approach to your practice. It may be better for you to take a functional approach, which does not dictate apriori where things should be, but rather works out where is the best position for you based on what it feels like, and what your intentions are.

In Straddle we don't care where you feet point, per se, but we do care about what sensations you are experiencing. Do feel a nice tugging along the inner groins and inner knees (nice means not burning!)? If so, who cares where your feet are pointing. Be where you can relax and marinate in sensation.

There is no "right" shape to this pose that fits every body: but there is a position that fits your body. If your feet/toes turn inward and you can relax and get the stress you want, that is your Straddle. Enjoy it!

[BTW - that is the whole point behind my latest book Your Body, Your Yoga.]

Christine Hou
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri May 20, 2016 12:25 am

Post by Christine Hou »

Thank you for your thoughtful response, Bernie! And for letting me know about your book. I'm looking forward to reading it. This is very good advice for me to practice both in my asana and everyday life.
Last edited by Christine Hou on Sat May 21, 2016 9:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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