Input on Sequence combining hatha yoga poses

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Input on Sequence combining hatha yoga poses

Post by Eva »

Dear Bernie, sometimes, I like to play in my sequences with poses that are not typically "yin yoga" poses and come more from traditional hatha, using straps, blocks etc.... I feel that even those poses I can perform in a yin way but I would like to know your view on that approach. Thank you very much in advance, here is an example of a sequence I have been thinking of to target the spine, hips and back of legs...
Starting in standing, meditation
Dangling - 2 min - squat 2 min - repeat one more time
Dragonfly - Right (4 min), Left (4 min), Middle (4 min) - rest in hammock
Deer - L leg forward - 1 min - Box pose (R over L leg) 4 min - Tabletop - other side
Half Shoe Lace (L over R) - 4 min - other side
Belt around the feet and middle of the chest (a big loop), legs straight up 90% - 3 min. Narrow the loop just around the feet, hold belt with both hands take the legs parallel with the floor (like upside down caterpillar). Keep passively holding the belt so that the weight of the arms encourages the feet to descend down towards the floor. If tailbones lifts a lot, support with blanket.
Happy baby - 2 min
Reclining Twists

Thank you, Eva x
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Post by Bernie »

Sounds good to me. What do your students think? As always, no sequence works for everybody, so you have to give your students options and alternatives for those who don't want their legs in the air so long. We use lots of props and straps in Yin Yoga. You can check out the video we did on props in Yin for other ideas.

Posts: 2
Joined: Tue May 26, 2015 1:36 pm

Post by Eva »

Thank you. Yes, as you say - some of the flexible ones loved it, some less flexible struggled. I supported their tailbone with a bolster/blanket and encouraged them to bend the knees and work less hard. They all managed then. I was ready to put them into a caterpillar if it did not work at all....Thank you again!
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