What does it mean to watch or feel energy flowing?

This section discusses the energetic aspects of Yin Yoga and its Daoist heritage
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What does it mean to watch or feel energy flowing?

Post by VIYOGA »

What does it mean to watch or feel energy flowing? Is it the keen observation of sensations moving through the body - such as temperature, physical sensations, vibrations or pulsing?
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How to feel energy?

Post by Bernie »

First, can I refer you to an article I wrote about "feeling it"? You might get some ideas there. Second, here is a longer article about sensations and what may be causing them.

But, you are asking specifically about "energy" and its sensation. This is trickier: some people seem unable to feel energy while others are just naturals at it. I do believe it can be learned because I was originally one of the former people. I had to "imagine" or "pretend" for a while, until the magic day I realized "oh! that!" I was feeling it all along, but just didn't recognize it. For some people it has sensations of heat, for others an electrical feeling or a tingling. For me, I first noticed a magnetic quality to it...like playing with magnets. The Daoist sages defined 32 kinds of Chi, so it is not surprising that there are different qualities to it that you may notice. I hone my ability to sense energy with flows like the Golden Seed and the Dragon Dance.

Be playful, imaginative and see what you are sensing. Don't try to understand it at first, just be open to it.

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