Hi Bernie, if there is no yin for knees, then is locking (if there is no tweaking or pain) or not locking both okay, say in vrksasana? Depending on intention? I'm getting a bit confused.....
A basic question but I thought it better to ask.
Thank you
PS I got confused when I read the following:
"What’s the danger if you lock your knees?
Locking the knee places one’s body weight onto the joint in such a way that it forces the joint slightly out of place. That puts damaging mechanical forces onto the joint cartilage – both the cartilage covering the ends of the long bones and that of the menisci. The long-term result is cartilage degeneration and arthritis. The effect is magnified by placing the entire weight of the body onto one leg as in some Yoga asanas like Tree pose (Vrksasana). Locking the knees while standing can also cause the pelvis to tilt forward which can stress the hip joints and disturb posture throughout the spine."
- by Kathleen Summers, MD, PhD, is a contributor to Prevent Yoga Injury. She is a board-certified internist specializing in natural, Yoga-based care. Dr. Summers is a graduate of Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago and holds a second doctorate in neuro-pharmacology from Southern Illinois University. Currently, she is an Adjunct Clinical Instructor at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, and she is a member of the American College of Physicians, the American Society of Nutrition, and the International Association of Yoga Therapists.