This is a question from José de Groot. She asked, "I would like to put a question on the forum...maybe you can help me out. I was wondering if pregnant women can practice Yin yoga. Pregnant women produce a hormone from which they become more flexible, is it therefor advisable to practice Yin Yoga?"
Here is my initial reply, but thoughts from others would be great too!
The quick answer is "yes". Even though women do have the hormone relaxin released during pregnancy, to loosen up the pubic symphysis and allow the pelvis to widen during delivery, there are many benefits to the practice energetically for you. The key though is to not try to go to any new limits of flexibility. Stay where you have gotten to before you were pregnant and just hang out there. Don't try to go right to your deepest edge...that could be too far. But the compression and stretching of the tissues still generate energetic benefits for you and the baby.