Postpartum Series

Check out this topic for women who are pregnant, trying to get pregnant or who just had a baby or for any other issues related to sexuality for men or women.
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Postpartum Series

Post by Cali_Mom »


I'm in the final stretches of pregnancy and looking to my practice after my baby arrives. Bernie, I've loved the eight asanas you suggested in an earlier post. Would you be able to suggest another series I can follow post-pregnancy?

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Post Partum Yin Yoga

Post by Bernie »

Hi Cali_Mom

I feel quite unqualified to answer this question so I went looking for someone with more experience to address this. Roberta Hughes, who is a Yin Yoga teacher and Pre/Post-Natal Yoga teacher, and a mom, in Parker Colorado, helped out. You can learn more about Roberta at this web site: Here is what she offers:


This is a great question Bernie. I will answer based on my personal experience and the work I have done with Post-Natal Recovery:

The six weeks following delivery is a time for healing for the mother. After delivery, most women will notice that their bodies are very stiff and tight. After I delivered, I could hardly do a forward fold. However, yin postures can be used to gently stretch the body, as well as massage the belly (through) and stimulate abdominal muscles in a gentle way. My recommendation to women who have had a healthy vaginal birth:

Week 1: Lots of Kegels and Belly Massage! When taking a shower, do kegels continuosly as you wash and rinse your hair. Spend 1-2 minutes massaging the belly in a clockwise motion with moderate to deep pressure.

Week 2: Add in forward folds to stretch the hamstrings and compress the belly. Seated forward fold and legs up the wall are perfect. Avoid hip openers and inner-thigh stretches for now.

Week 3: Continue with forward folds. Add in lying twists to help massage the belly, shrink the uterus, and stimulate the abdominal muscles.

Week 4: Continue with above. Add inner thigh forward folds.

Week 5: Continue with above. Add deeper twists (seated) to work the abdominals gently.

Week 6: After getting a clear check up from your doctor, begin core strengthening work and continue with the postures above.

1-2 yin postures a day in the format listed above, can very nourishing for a new mom. She will find that doing one of the things on the list consistently will make a difference. She will need to remember to be "flexible" with her expectations and feel satisfied if she only has five minutes here and there throughout the day, rather than a full 30-60 minutes to do a complete series.

I hope this is helpful.
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Joined: Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:17 pm
Location: California

Thank you for the reply!

Post by Cali_Mom »

And I noticed in my original post I said I was in the final "stretches" of pregnancy. I meant final "stages" of pregnancy! :)
Posts: 1254
Joined: Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:25 am
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The home stretch

Post by Bernie »

I thought that was a very appropriate turn of phrase!
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