Yin Sequence Featuring Grilley's Archetypal Poses

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Yin Sequence Featuring Grilley's Archetypal Poses

Post by toaster »

I was thinking about planning a class that would focus on helping students learn how they can adjust their own bodies in poses/chose different poses that work best for their bodies. To do this, I was thinking about including one pose from each of Grilley's archetypal poses, so the class would be just 5 poses + shavasana. The idea would be that I'd start all the students in the same pose and then offer variations - or a different pose - as needed.

Do you all think this would work for a 1-hour class? If so, would you suggest arranging the poses in any particular way? I was thinking about something like this (pose plus archetype in parenthesis):
  • Butterfly (Caterpillar)
    Deer (Shoelace)
    Seal (Saddle)
    Dragonfly (Dragonfly)
    Twist (Twist)
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Re: Yin Sequence Featuring Grilley's Archetypal Poses

Post by Bernie »

Yes, that could work but I would suggest you batch all the spinal flexion postures together so it may be more like

Butterfly (Caterpillar)
Deer (Shoelace)
Dragonfly (Dragonfly)
Seal (Saddle)
Twist (Twist)

Good luck!
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