Yin Yoga Teacher Registry

If you would like us to add your name to the list of Yin Yoga teachers, send us a post including the following information:

Location: Country/State/City;
Contact Information including:
Your web address;
Email address;
Studio name and web address where
you are offering Yin Yoga classes;
A short bio or description of your Yin Yoga teaching (~100 words);
A small head & shoulders picture [You can add an image by typing [img]location[/img] where location refers to the location of your image on the web somewhere. Just right click on your own image and select "copy image location" and paste it in.]
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Joined: Sat Mar 31, 2007 8:39 am

Yin Yoga Teacher Registry

Post by Scott »

Scott Miller
Location: USA/California/Riverside
Contact Information:
[email protected]
Inland Yoga Centers
Short bio:

Scott Miller began practicing yoga from a book at age twelve. Along with asana and meditation instruction, the book Be Here Now included the teachings of Neem Korali Baba. His message about experiencing life as a loving, present moment engagement is what continues to inspire Scott to this day. It was the inspiration behind opening Inland Yoga Centers, and it continues to inform his personal yoga practices. The physical aspect of Scott's practice, however, is also heavily influenced by two opposite styles:

Having connected with "Ashtanga" master Pattabhi Jois in the early Nineties, Scott later traveled to India in order to receive more instructions from him, and though Scott teaches Ashtanga in a Neem Korali inspired, Be Here Now, manner, he continues to honor the sequencing taught to him by Mr. Jois. But Scott also balances the "yang" half of his personal practice, with a "yin" style yoga that he learned from Paul Grilley, and his teacher Paulie Zink. Called "Taoist Yoga," this style connects perfectly with the Be Here Now approach, and the connection is what inspired Scott to begin practicing and later teaching "Slow Deep Stretch." Plus, it is these two yin and yang yogas that became the hallmark of Inland Yoga, and while the studio is now able to offer other wonderful styles, we continue to be all about present moment balancing.
Posts: 1297
Joined: Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:25 am
Location: Vancouver

Will do the listing at the end of April

Post by Bernie »

Hi Scott

Thanks for the listing info. I am off on a retreat in Vietnam until the end of April. I will get to your posting when I get back. Sorry for the delay, but internet access here is limited.

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