Origins of directional breath during yin/ Teaching of same?

This section discusses the energetic aspects of Yin Yoga and its Daoist heritage
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Origins of directional breath during yin/ Teaching of same?

Post by Neil »

One thing that I find especially effective in my Yin practice is the attention to direction of breath. When, in a class, I combine Yin poses with a slow, directional, and also ocean-sound breathing, I get great results. Bernie describes this technique clearly in his explanation of "Orbiting Energy" on p. 55 of his recent book on Yin.

But I am wondering where this technique comes from? Is it traditional in Taoist yoga? Does Paulie Zink teach it? Or is it from Mr Motoyama? Some other source?

A second question: I am puzzled as to why so few teachers emphacise or even mention this technique in their classes (notable exception: the superb yin teacher, Marla Erickson, Ottawa). For me, it makes all the difference. I think of cutting steel with an acetylene torch. There are two tanks supplying the two nozzles on the torch. One is acetylene, which give you a big, orange, smoky flame. That alone won't cut anything. Then you turn on the oxygen stream and the flame becomes blue and very hot. With that you can cut thro two inches of steel like a knife thro butter. I find the attention to breath in yin much like that. It adds so much extra power. I do not understand why it is not emphasized more?
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Source of the Microcosmic Orbit

Post by Bernie »

Feel free to spread the teaching!

I first heard about the microcosmic orbiting of energy through Sarah Powers. You can hear her describe it and guide you through it on her Insight Yoga DVD. I don't recall Paulie Zink ever mentioning and neither have I come across any references to it by Dr Motoyama, but it is an important part of the Daoist practice, so I would be surprised if they don't know about it.

There is a famous book called the Secret of the Golden Flower, which purports to explain how to become immortal and the key technique is the microcosmic orbit. There is a version called the macroscopic orbit, which includes the legs, but it is felt to be inferior to the microcosmic orbit. You may want to get the book to learn more about this teaching.

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Post by Roberta »

Hi Bernie,

Am I correct in visualizing energy flowing down my spine when I inhale and up my spine when I exhale?

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direction of energy

Post by Bernie »

You can visualize it in either direction: notice the differences! The classical microcosmic orbit is down the front and up the back, but you can vary it and see what effect it has on you. Be aware and then decide what is working best for you.

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Post by Roberta »

Hi Bernie,

thank you for your reply. I agree with you, they feel very different. I thought that only one was the "correct" way. I'll explore them both more and probably switch between the two according to how I feel.

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