A student feeling heat during arm exercises

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A student feeling heat during arm exercises

Post by Bernie »

We recently received the following question:
  • Hi all. I am currently completing my 300hr YTT and being drawn towards Yin Yoga more and more, both on a personal level and for the benefit of my students. I have a student who, every time we doing anything with our arms, be it extension, compression etc. he gets waves of heat through his chest and head-no matter how far he is feeling in the pose. I thought perhaps it may be restricting blood flow or placing pressure on a nerve. Has anyone else experienced this and have any advice. Obviously I advised to come out of the pose and we worked through other options. Just really curious as it has happened a few times now.
    Many thanks.
Hi Tara

You may want to read this post about a similar experience. In his response to the teacher asking about her student, Dr. John Ayoub speculated that the heat was caused by “a chi discharge after activating their heart center”. If you search in the search box on the top right of the page for “heat” you will find several other posts, like this post which describes a student breaking into a sweat during yin yoga.

I hope these help you.

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