Hi everyone
Is it possible to address ppt issue through yin yoga? In sitting position my pelvis gets posteriorly tilted and I can't straighten it up with force. Also during the day while just standing relaxed, I have a tendency to posteriorly tilt the pelvis. Any advice would be great.
It depends upon what is causing your posterior pelvic tilt. I would suggest you get assessed. Is it due to muscle weakness in the quads or back muscles? If so, Yin Yoga will not strengthen these areas. Is it due to tightness in the hamstrings or abdominal ? Many people have a posterior pelvic tilt when sitting because their hamstrings are so tight that they cannot flex their hips enough to sit up straight. If so, Yin Yoga may be able to help lengthen those areas. Is it due to poor posture? If so, Yin Yoga is unlikely to help as you may need to retrain your neurological control and develop better habits in sitting, standing and walking posture.
Before offering any prescriptions, make sure you have the right diagnosis.
I think it's due to tight hamstrings ( because I have very tight hamstrings). But also I tend to sit "on the tailbone" on chairs or couches for years. Maybe that could cause it also. I am working on it