yin for arthritis in the lower back

There are often many questions about Yin Yoga and specific spinal conditions. Feel free to ask your question here, or check out other posts or contribute input from your own experience.
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Jill Johnson
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yin for arthritis in the lower back

Post by Jill Johnson »

Hi Bernie!
I have a couple students lately who have been diagnosed with arthritis in their lower back and have been told by their physicians to not do any forward bending. They really enjoy yin class, but want to experience it without causing any undue pain in their lower backs. I would like to give them some alternatives to do on their own in class if the rest of us are doing something that is counterproductive to them. What do you suggest?
Thank you!
Jill Johnson
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Low Back Arthritis

Post by Bernie »

Hi Jill

Firstly, I would listen to the student's physicians, and suggest no forward bending. But I would also suggest they ask their doctors about Yin Yoga. Their doctors may not know about this particular form of yoga. There are some studies that show that mild stresses could be beneficial for arthritis.

This topic does come up from time to time, so rather than repeat past comments, I will refer you to an earlier post on the subject. Read this post and then let me know if you still have questions.


It would be great to hear from students who do have lower back arthritis and hear about their experiences with Yin Yoga. Finally, there is whole book on Yoga and arthritis by Dr Loren Fishman and Ellen Soltanstall that you can pick up. It is very useful. It is called Yoga for Arthritis.

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Post by prestonwatson »

Hi Bernie,
I have a severe back ache problem. I can't sit continuously more than 1 or 2 hours. After every specific time, I need to stand up and have to get relax for a while. I wok on my computer while standing. I am fed up with this and have found no proper medicines for that. I believe you can show me the way to get rid of it. Thanks in advance.
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Back aches

Post by Bernie »

As I mentioned in an earlier reply to you, I cannot diagnose medical problems at a distance. I am not a doctor, and even if I were, without seeing you, it is very difficult to understand your situation. Having said all that, it does sound like you have a lot of tension in your back.

You mentioned in an earlier post that you do a lot of bike riding too, causing shoulder problems. I wonder if these problems are all related. Staying in one position for a long time is a form of Yin Yoga! And, just like with our yang practice, we can do too much of anything. We can do too much yin and this leads to stagnation and "stuckness". The cure is to mobilize the area.

So, we have two possible causes: pain due to stagnation and not moving or pain due to stress/tension. I would advise yang yoga for the upper back AND relaxation practice. Back bends would be great for you, especially ones focusing on the upper back, such as Puppy Dog (like Down Dog but on your knees). Vinyasas from Down Dog to Up Dog may work well. There are several shoulder openers you could also try: Eagle Arms, perhaps with your elbows resting on a table as you lean lower/slide your chair away. Cat/Cow flows may also feel good.

To relax the area, take lots of frequent breaks. Don't sit for more than 15 minutes at a time! 2 hours at a computer is going to kill anyone! Do shoulder rolls during the breaks and focus on relaxing the shoulders/upper back with each exhale.

As I said, I can't really diagnose you at a distance. Your best bet is to ask a local yoga teacher. She can help you!

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